On January 12th a 7.0 magnitude quake hit the country and brought life there to an immediate stand still. The Haitian Government reported that an estimated 230,000 people had died, 300,000 had been injured and 1,000,000 made homeless. With people still trapped in buildings, the injured in need of help, no power, hourly aftershocks & food, water and fuel all running low–people were getting desperate and The Labadys were right in the mix doing everything they could to help.
We jumped on planes to the Dominican, drove to Haiti and brought them everything we could.
Being down there with them is an experience I will never forget. The things I saw scared my heart and the pain I witnessed made me feel utterly helpless but you do what you can, you pray unceasingly and you get the word out.
It put life into perspective for all involved and in the middle of such tragedy beautiful things are born.
Heidi and Michel were put to the test and realized they never wanted to be apart again.
This is a little piece of their story.

There are so many great shots. The one that really got me teared up was Michael seeing Heidi for the first time in her gown. Wowsers!! Beautiful work!