With all that they have been through- it is such a miracle for me to be able to shoot Tayden & Tanner for their 1st birthdays.
Below is their story, which is such an inspiration!
"We were absolutely thrilled to find out on April Fools Day, that I was pregnant with twins! A few weeks later, we learned it was going to be twin boys. I was only 4 1/2 months pregnant when they discovered a problem with "baby b" (Tanner). It was suggested that we could dispose of "baby b" and keep "baby a" however, that was not an option for us. The next 3 1/2 months we had to have faith that God was going to pull us through this. We heard more bad news, but prayed and believed that God had a plan. September 16th 2009, 2 months before their due date, the boys entered the world at 6:00pm & 6:01pm. Tayden weighed 3 lbs. 12 oz. & Tanner was 2 lbs. 5 oz. They stayed in the NICU for 6 weeks, but came home showing much progression. Now, a year later, we are celebrating the miracles God has done in our boys' lives and thank him for their health. They are doing excellent!"

Exactly 1 year later (to the hour) shot @6pm on September 16th 2010!

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